AI Capabilities

Sheet Director and its AI Capabilities

What is AI?

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It's teaching machines to think and learn like humans do. Imagine giving a computer the ability to do tasks that usually need human smarts, like recognizing speech, making decisions, solving problems, and even understanding languages. AI lets machines do these things without explicitly being told how to do each step, kinda like how we learn from experience!

What is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create new content, like images, music, text, or even videos. It works by learning patterns and styles from existing data and then generating new, original content based on that learning. Think of it like an artist who learns different painting techniques by studying lots of paintings and then uses that knowledge to create entirely new artworks. Generative AI can be super creative, making things that seem like they were made by humans!

How Sheet Director is using AI?

Sheet Director has undergone a remarkable transformation by integrating the power of AI into its core functions within Google Sheets. Through custom functions driven by AI, this tool offers a spectrum of advanced capabilities. It can intelligently organize data in both vertical and horizontal formats, generate comprehensive tables, provide concise summaries, categorize information, and format data precisely as needed. 

These AI-driven functions are designed to cater to your specific requests, revolutionizing the way data is managed and processed within Google Sheets. This integration elevates efficiency and empowers users to accomplish complex tasks with remarkable ease and accuracy.

What are the Custom Functions Equipped with AI?


AI_PROMPT, the custom function that allows you to provide a prompt/query or a question and respond with a reply

Custom Function: =AI_PROMPT(prompt)


AI_HLIST, the custom function that allows you to provide a prompt/query or a question and respond in horizontal list.

Custom Function: =AI_HLIST(prompt)


AI_VLIST, the custom function that allows you to provide a prompt/query or a question and respond in a vertical list.

Custom Function: =AI_VLIST(prompt)


AI_TABLE, the custom function that allows you to provide a prompt/query or a question, headers to the table sample input if applicable and respond in tabular format.

Custom Function: =AI_TABLE(Prompt, Headers, Input)


AI_SUMMARIZE, the custom function that allows you to provide content and format and provides you with the summarized content in the mentioned format.

Custom Function: =AI_SUMMARIZE(Content, Format)


AI_CONVERT, the custom function that allows you to provide input and format and returns the converted value.

Custom Function: =AI_CONVERT(Input, OuptFormat)


AI_CATEGORIZE, the custom function that allows you to provide input and categories and returns the matched category value from the provided categories.

Custom Function: =AI_CATEGORIZE(Input, Categories)


AI_FILTER is the custom function that allows you to provide an input content filter and returns values matching the given filter.

Custom Function: =AI_FILTER(Content, Filter)

There are many more to come, feel free to tell if you want something to be added in this list.