What's New?

Ver 2.148.0 – 10th July 2024 – Supported Post and Sync service to Zoho BugTracker.

Ver 2.147.0 – 4th July 2024 – Supported Post and Sync service to Zoho Desk.

Ver 2.145.0 – 4th June 2024 Hubspot Custom Objects, Zoho Billing Sync Service, Monday.com version update.

Ver 2.143.0 – 15th May 2024 – New object in Cin7 Core.

Ver 2.142.0 – 8th May 2024 – Zoho Billing Rebranding and Post Service, Support Smartsheet Europen Region 

Ver 2.141.0 – 16th April 2024 – Sheet Automate Service

Ver 2.140.0 – 23rd Feb 2024 – New object in Cin7 Omni 

Ver 2.139.0 – 19th Feb 2024 – New Service Backup Tab

 Ver 2.138.0 – 9th Jan 2024 – Sender.net Post and Sync Service

Ver 2.137.0 – 22nd Dec 2023 – New Action in Sheet Automate Service, Google Sheets Distribute Service Filter 

 Ver 2.136.0 – 6th Dec 2023 – Introducing sender.net

 Ver 2.135.0 – 1st Dec 2023 – Generative AI Integration

 Ver 2.134.0 – 27th Nov 2023 – New Actions in Sheet Automate Service

 Ver 2.133.0 – 9th Nov 2023 – Cin7 Core Post and Sync service

 Ver 2.132.0 – 30th Oct 2023 – Cin7 Omni Sync service, New Integration Cin7 Core Query service, Introducing Filter and Sort in Firmao.

 Ver 2.131.0 – 17th Oct 2023 – Improvements in Cin7 Omni, Clickup and Google Contacts

 Ver 2.130.0 – 17th Oct 2023 – Improvements on ClickUp, Google Contacts and Cin7 Omni

Ver 2.129.0 – 05th Oct 2023 – Improvements on Sheet Automate (new actions and trigger),  UX improvements in mapping.

Ver 2.128.0 – 28th Sep 2023 – Improvements on Monday.com 

Ver 2.127.0 – 26th Sep 2023 – Announcements, Persona, Date Macro, Firmao

Ver 2.126.0 – 21st Sep 2023 – Sheet Automation introduced, improvements in Asana, Smartsheet, Sync framework

Ver 2.125.0 – 5th Sep 2023 – New App: Firmao Query

Ver 2.124.0 – 30th Aug 2023 – Improvements on Pipedrive and Zoho CRM

Ver 2.123.0 – 21st Aug 2023 – Improvements on Xero

Ver 2.122.0 – 18th Aug 2023 – Brevo Post and Synchronize

Ver 2.121.0 – 4th Aug 2023 – Introducing Brevo, Improvements on Capsule

 Ver 2.120.0 – 1st Aug 2023 – Support for RichText in templated mapping, Improvements on Copper, Insightly 

 Ver 2.119.0 – 21st July 2023 – Support for sorting in the Google Contacts, Google Calendar, and New objects in HubSpot

 Ver 2.118.0 – 18th July 2023 – Introducing Todoist

Ver 2.117.0 – 14th July 2023 – UX improvements 

 Ver 2.116.0 – 10th July 2023 – Selectize reordering, Improvements in Zoho Invoice and Google Classroom

 Ver 2.115.0 – 30th June 2023 – Introduced Post & Sync in Hubstaff, Clockify

 Ver 2.114.0 – 26th June 2023 – Support for many objects in ActiveCampaign  

 Ver 2.113.0 – 23rd June 2023 – Support GA4, Upgraded Drive v3, Pipedrive Deals Timeline, Salesforce improvements, Harvest post & sync and fix on Zoho Creator

 Ver 2.112.0 - 16th June 2023 - Post & Sync on Notion, Connection management, CSV improvements.

 Ver 2.111.0 - 9th June 2023 - Sync Service in Databases and Toggl

Ver 2.109.0 - 2nd June 2023 - Post service in Databases, New CSV app integration, Sync service in Xero

Ver 2.108.0 - 26th May 2023 - Introducing Notion Integration, Post templates in Reply.io, Post and Synchronize services in Zoho Expense

Ver 2.107.0 - 18th May 2023 - Sync service in QuickBooks and Zoho Invoice 

Ver 2.106.0 - 18th May 2023 - Sheet Director Now integrates with Databases

Ver 2.105.0 - 5th May 2023 - Clickup Improvements, Sync service in WaveApp, Zoho Books, and intro of new app Reply.io

Ver 2.104.0 - 26th Apr 2023 - Xero invoice posting improvements and Airtable Synchronize Service

Ver 2.103.0 - 21st Apr 2023 - Vtiger post, sync service and FreshBooks sync service

Ver 2.102.0 - 21st Apr 2023 -  Supported Templated mapping in post services

Ver 2.101.0 - 21st Apr 2023 -  Airtable date filter, Zoho Bigin filter, sort, post and sync

Ver 2.100.0 - 12th Apr 2023 -  Sync service in Trello, Salesforce, Post improvement in Smartsheet

Ver 2.99.0 - 10th Apr 2023 -  Sync service in Asana, Query improvement in Smartsheet

 Ver 2.98.0 - 31st Mar 2023 - Query service for Zoho Bigin, Sync service for Copper, Capsule, Insightly

 Ver 2.97.0 - 24th Mar 2023 - Freshsales Suite Post service and Asana new framework implementation

 Ver 2.96.0 - 23th Mar 2023 - Agile CRM, EngageBay Synchronize services and GUI UX improvements

 Ver 2.95.0 - 16th Mar 2023 - Freshsales Suite Query Service

 Ver 2.94.0 - 10th Mar 2023 - New App - Freshsales Suite

 Ver 2.93.0 - 2nd Mar 2023 - Airtable Post service introduced and Monday.com Bug fixes

 Ver 2.92.0 - 16th Feb 2023 - Support for inserting Smartsheet rows in bottom as well as top

 Ver 2.91.0 - 14th Feb 2023 - Synchronize service and Monday.com improvements

 Ver 2.90.0 - 25th Jan 2023 - Synchronize service for HubSpot, Zoho CRM and Smartsheet and Bug fixes on Freshdesk and Pipedrive

 Ver 2.89.0 - 30th Nov 2022 - Synchronize service for Freshdesk and Zoho CRM

 Ver 2.88.0 - 2nd Aug 2022 - Support for more filters on objects of Zoho Books

 Ver 2.87.0 - 29th July 2022 - Enabled filters for all objects of Zoho Books and Smartsheet Bug fix

 Ver 2.86.0 - 20th July 2022 - Support custom fields in filters for Zoho CRM

 Ver 2.85.0 - 18th July 2022 - Support for more filters on Invoice and Bank Transaction of Zoho Books

 Ver 2.84.0 - 28th June 2022 - Support Total Items for Quotes, Purchase Orders and Sales Orders of Cin7

 Ver 2.83.0 - 8th June 2022 - Support for a filter by the group in Google Contacts

 Ver 2.82.0 - 3rd June 2022 - Support for more fields in Wave posting

 Ver 2.81.0 - 2nd June 2022 - Support for new group creation from sheet cell on Monday.com

 Ver 2.80.0 - 31st May 2022 - Support for posting to user defined fields in Google Contacts 

 Ver 2.79.0 - 13th May 2022 - Support for sorting in the Google Contacts app

 Ver 2.78.0 - 10th May 2022 - Support for an enhanced filter in Cin7

 Ver 2.77.0 - 25th Feb 2022 - Support for additional fields in HubSpot filters 

 Ver 2.76.0 - 17th Feb 2022 - Consolidate Service in Google Sheet App

 Ver 2.75.0 - 18th Jan 2022 - Improvements on Pipedrive, Jira,Cin7 

 Ver 2.74.0 - 13th Jan 2022 - Improvements on Pipedrive, Cin7 and ActiveCampaign

 Ver 2.73.0 - 11th Jan 2022 - Pipedrive Improvements

 Ver 2.72.0 - 6th Jan 2022 - Support for Pipedrive post service

 Ver 2.71.0 - 5th Jan 2022 - New App - Pipedrive

 Ver 2.70.0 - 17th Dec 2021 - Support for Appending Sheet Data 

 Ver 2.69.0 - 22nd Oct 2021 - More filters in the Cin7 app

 Ver 2.68.0 - 29th Sep 2021 - QuickBooks App support for more reports

 Ver 2.67.0 - 23rd Sep 2021 - ClickUp App support for more objects

 Ver 2.66.0 - 6th Sep 2021 - Support for Checklist items in Trello

 Ver 2.65.0 - 26th Aug 2021 - Improvements in Cin 7 and Zoho Books

 Ver 2.64.0 - 17th Aug 2021 - Post service enabled for Sales Order in Cin7 App 

 Ver 2.63.0 - 29th Jul 2021 - New Authentication type in PayPal App - Client Id/ Secret

 Ver 2.62.0 - 21st Jun 2021 - Synchronize service in HubSpot

 Ver 2.61.0 - 26th May 2021 - Zoho CRM App enhancement

 Ver 2.60.0 - 12th May 2021 - Synchronize service in Zoho CRM

 Ver 2.59.0 - 4th May 2021 - Synchronize service in Smartsheet

 Ver 2.58.0 - 15th Apr 2021 - Synchronize service in Google Contacts

 Ver 2.57.0 - 31st Mar 2021 - New App - Cin7

 Ver 2.56.0 - 18th Mar 2021 - New App - Hubstaff

 Ver 2.55.0 - 11th Mar 2021 - Synchronize service launch & Various apps improvements

 Ver 2.54.0 - 28th Jan 2021 - Clockify Enhancement and monday.com Create Items 

Ver 2.53.0 - 20th Jan 2021 - Conditions to execute Improvements & Calendar App Updates

Ver 2.52.0 - 12th Jan 2021 - Filter with the cell value

Ver 2.51.0 - 23rd Dec 2020 - Clone Service

Ver 2.50.0 - 16th Dec 2020 - Xero Improvements 

 Ver 2.49.0 - 10th Dec 2020 - Insightly and Xero Improvements 

 Ver 2.48.0 - 08th Dec 2020 - Scheduler improvements & all Clockify Reports

Ver 2.47.0 - 27th Nov 2020 - Clockify Summary Reports

Ver 2.46.0 - 03rd Nov 2020 - Smartsheet Reports & Filters

Ver 2.45.0 - 05th Oct 2020 -  monday.com Post

Ver 2.44.0 - 11th Sept 2020 -  Zoho CRM Support for Tags & Owner 

Ver 2.43.0 - 4th Sept 2020 -  Calendar Enhancement & monday.com Query

Ver 2.42.0 - 27th Aug 2020 -  New App - monday.com

Ver 2.41.0 - 26th Aug 2020 - More Entities For Query & Post In WaveApp

Ver 2.40.0 - 20th Aug 2020 -  More Filters On FreshDesk 

Ver 2.39.0 - 14th Aug 2020 -  Google Contacts Post

Ver 2.38.0 - 3rd Aug 2020 -  Zendesk & Freshdesk Post

Ver 2.37.0 - 22nd July 2020 -  Zoho CRM - Invoices entity Query & Post

Ver 2.36.0 - 17th July 2020 -  New Apps - TSheets & Toggl

Ver 2.35.0 - 10th July 2020 -  Wave App Post

Ver 2.34.0 - 6th July 2020 - Zoho App migration

Ver 2.33.0 - 2nd July 2020 -  New App - Zoho Creator

Ver 2.32.0 - 25th June 2020 -  New App - Shopify(Alpha)

Ver 2.31.0 - 18th June 2020 -  New App - Wave

Ver 2.30.0 - 11th June 2020 -  Freshdesk Custom FIelds

Ver 2.29.0 - 4th June 2020 -  New Apps - Agile CRM and Vtiger CRM

Ver 2.28.0 - 29th May 2020 -  Zoho Invoice Post

Ver 2.27.0 - 26th May 2020 -  Zoho Invoice Post

Ver 2.26.0 - 21th May 2020 -  Zoho Invoice Custom fields

Ver 2.24.0 - 13th May 2020 -  New app - Twitter

Ver 2.23.0 - 7th May 2020 -  More entities in various Apps

Ver 2.22.0 - 5th May 2020 -  More entities in various Apps

Ver 2.21.0 - 30th Apr 2020 -  More entities in various Apps & Zoho Books Post

Ver 2.20.0 - 23th Apr 2020 -  Lot more entities in various Apps

Ver 2.19.0 - 15th Apr 2020 -  Drip Post

Ver 2.18.0 - 13th Apr 2020 - New App - Drip 

Ver 2.17.0 - 3th April 2020 - New App - GetResponse 

Ver 2.16.0 - 26th Mar 2020 - Introduced conditions on Post

Ver 2.15.0 - 25th Mar 2020 - Zoho Crm Post

Ver 2.14.0 - 23th Mar 2020 - Freshbooks Post

Ver 2.13.0 - 20th Mar 2020 - Quickbooks Post & Xero Post

Ver 2.12.0 - 6th Mar 2020 - Mail App comes with new service - Mail Merge

Ver 2.11.0 - 13th Feb 2020 - Asana Post & Architecture Improvements

Ver 2.10.0 - 10th Feb 2020 - New App - JIRA

Ver 2.9.0 - 5th Feb 2020 - New App - ShipStation

Ver 2.8.0 - 3rd Feb 2020 - Support Post Data service in Smartsheet

Ver 2.7.0 - 10th Jan 2020 - Support Post Data service in Google Calendar and Task 

Ver 2.6.0 - 2nd Jan 2020 - Support Post Data service in more Apps 

Ver 2.5.0 - 10th Dec 2019 - Posting service now supports predefined templates

Ver 2.4.0 - 26th Nov 2019 - Zoho Multi Data Center Support

Ver 2.3.0 - 20 Nov 2019 - Scheduler Notification Feature

Ver 2.2.0 - 7 Nov 2019 - Introducing Insightly Post

Ver 2.1.0 - 25 Oct 2019 - New App - Google My Business

Ver 2.0.0 - Sep 2019 - Sheet Director major release 

Ver 1.9.0 - Aug 2019 - YouTube and Mail Enhancements

Ver 1.8.0 - Jul 2019 - Additional set of Apps

Ver 1.7.0 - Jun 2019 - Additional set of Apps

Ver 1.6.0 - May 2019 - Google Classroom

Ver 1.5.0 - April 2019  - Commercial Launch

Sheet Director is made commercial with several pricing plans.

Ver 1.4.0 - Mar 2019 - Additional set of Apps

4 New apps Calendar, Tasks, Contacts have been added into Sheet Director.

Ver 1.3.0 - Feb 2019- Backup Service - Google Sheets

Ver 1.2.0 - Jan 2019 - New Apps - QuickBooks, Xero, FreshBooks, Zoho, Google Drive

Ver 1.1.0 - Dec 2018 - Schedule Service

Ver 1.0.0 - Nov 2018 - Initial Version

The Initial version of Sheet Director was released with 2 apps Email and Google Sheets.

Lot of brainstorming, hard work, and pivoting

Ver 2.125.0 – 5th Sep 2023 – New App: Firmao Query