
Google Sheets + QuickBooks Integration

Query from QuickBooks into Google Sheets  or Post data from Google Sheets into QuickBooks

What is Sheet Director?

Sheet Director is a Google Workspace add-on that helps to manage and control bi-directional data flow between Google Sheets and several other applications like Google Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Sheets, QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Zoho etc. 

It is available in the Google Workspace Marketplace. Please check the Installation instructions to install the add-on. 

What is QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is an accounting software package. 

QuickBooks products accept business payments, manage and pay bills, and payroll functions. 

QuickBooks to Google Sheets: Use Case(s)

> Pull data from QuickBooks objects and store it into a spreadsheet - Query

> Post data from spreadsheet into QuickBooks entity - Post


Sheet Director

Google Sheets

Demo Video: How to Integrate Google Sheets & QuickBooks?

Setting up QuickBooks in Sheet Director

Choosing App and Service:

QuickBooks Configuration

Filters & Sorting

Destination Settings:

Configure the destination settings to save the executed data.

Scheduler Settings:

Notification Settings:

Configure the Notification settings to setup the email templates and add attachments.

Reports Query

Sample Output

Custom Query

The query operation is the method for creating a guided query against an entity. The select statement in the request enables you to specify the selection criteria, entity properties, sort order, and pagination. It is similar to a pared down SQL query select statement with constraints in place to ensure the request doesn’t overload server-side resources. As such, the following are query operation limitations:

Example Query :


Select Statement = SELECT * | count(*) FROM IntuitEntity

   [WHERE WhereClause]

   [ORDERBY OrderByClause]


SELECT * FROM Invoice WHERE id in ('64523', '18761', '35767') AND MetaData.CreateTime >= '1990-12-12T12:50:30Z' AND MetaData.LastUpdatedTime <='1990-12-12T12:50:30Z'

For more details click here

Sample Output

Google Sheet to QuickBooks - Post


Source Sheet

(the default value is A1, if you change the value you need to refresh the header by clicking on refresh icon on side)


Sample Output

It will show the count of number of records posted successfully and failed to post.

Google Sheet to QuickBooks - Sync

Synchronize settings:

Synchronization Keys:

The keys will be used for matching rows in Google Sheets with data in QuickBooks.

Conflict Resolution: 

QuickBooks Wins: Latest data from QuickBooks will be updated in Google Sheets.

Google Sheet Wins: Latest data from Google Sheets will be updated in QuickBooks.

Note: The major requirement in synchronization is the synchronize keys. If any of the keys is not having a value in the Google Sheet then Sheet Director will create it first and then the service will be executed.

QuickBooks Wins

Sample Output

Google Sheet Wins

Sample Output


I am not able to connect to the sandbox environment. When I tried to connect to the sandbox environment, I got the following error. 

Can you help me to resolve this?
