Frequently asked Questions

General FAQ's

What is Sheet Director ?

Sheet Director is Google Workspace add-on that helps to manage and control bi-directional data flow between Google Sheets and several other applications like Google Calendar, Tasks, Contacts, Sheets, QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Zoho etc. 

Can I use Sheet Director if I have a Gmail account?

Yes, you can use from Gmail account or Google workspace accounts.

What Applications are supported in Sheet Director ?

Please see Apps Page  for  supported applications. We are using 2 applications.

Quota and License

 What is meant by quota in Sheet Director?

Quota refers to the successful execution of a service configured in Sheet Director for a particular pricing plan.

 How quota is calculated in Sheet Director?

Quota is measured as one successful execution of a service configured in Sheet Director. It encompasses all activities done within a service including notifications. Refer below for records (rows) processed.

Learn more @ pricing 

 How do I check my current usage?
How do I check my remaining quota

You can check your current usage and remaining quota under Account section in Sheet Director

Menu > Account ==> You will see the account screen 

Does my plan get renewed automatically?

How do I stop receiving automated emails from the Sheet Director?

Account Ownership / Transfer

How do I transfer my account to another account?

At times, you would want to transfer/migrate Sheet Director usage from one account to another account. (due to employee changes or reorganization in email etc)

Follow the steps below to run Sheet Director from another account.

Steps to be followed

steps to be followed

Then Sheet Director will start running from the new email account.

Note: The new email account shall have active plan


I have setup everything but why Automatic Schedule is not getting executed? 

Please check the following


What is the minimum time interval for Scheduling ?

The minimum time interval for Scheduling is 1 hour. Less than 1 hour cannot be Scheduled in Sheet Director.

Can we Schedule different Services at the same time ?

Yes, we can schedule different services at the same time.

Privacy Related

Can Jivrus employees access data in the connected app accounts?

No, All the service details are stored in the customer's Google Sheet only. And we don't have any access to the Google Sheet of customer. Sheet Director server stores only id and analytics info such as email ID, quota details, usage, etc and does not store any other configuration or transactional data.

Does the app have access to all data in the connected app accounts, or just the areas where the user "points to"?

We are using industry-standard authorization types such as OAuth1, OAtuh2, etc. And it is a scope-based authorization so the Sheet Director has only access to the scope which we are asking for while authorization.

Can Jivrus employees access data in the spreadsheets?

No. we cannot access the data until or unless the customer explicitly shares the Google Sheet with us.

Feature Request Related

What is the issue?

Feature Requesting a Field or several fields which is not available in App's List API But available in Get by ID API.

